Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Georg Reimer

Stand März 2022

  1. Reimer, G. (1979) Die inotropievermittelnden Histaminrezeptoren am Vorhof- und Ventrikelmyokard des Meerschweinchens. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der medizinischen Doktorwürde an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Re 585/1-1
  2. Reimer, G. (1982) Tumorförmige Tuberculois cutis luposa. Aktuelle Dermatologie 8, 26-28.
  3. Reimer, G., D. Djawari (1982) Lymphocytotxicity for oral epithelial cells in Behcet´s disease. A case report. Dermatologica 164, 82-89.
  4. Reimer, G. (1982) Zur Klinik und Immunpathologie des Morbus Behcet. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie 6, 174-178.
  5. Reimer, G., S. Steinkohl, D. Djawari, O.P. Hornstein (1982) Lytic effect of cytotoxic lymphocytes on oral epithelial cells in Behcet´s disease. British Journal of Dermatology 107, 529-536.
  6. Reimer, G., I. Link, H. Hauck (1982) Senear-Usher-Syndrom: Begleithämophilie durch das Auftreten eines Faktor VIII Hemmkörpers. Der Hautarzt 33, 645-648.
  7. Deinlein, E., G. Reimer, U. Huschka, S. Rios-Arizpe (1982) Immunpathologische Untersuchungen bei Herpes gestationis. Der Hautarzt 34, 6-9.
  8. Simon, M., Jr., F. Unterpaintner, G. Reimer (1982) Immunphänomene bei Lichen ruber – eine immunfluoreszenzmikroskopische Studie. Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten 58 (2), 121-128.
  9. Reimer, G. , D. Djawari (1983) Lymphocytotoxicity for oral epithelial cells in Behcet´s disease. In: International Synopsis. Dermatology Digest/March 1983, 4.
  10. Reimer, G., M. Simon, Jr. (1983) Lymphozytotoxizität bei Lichen planus der Mundschleimhaut. Der Hautarzt. Supplementum VI, 34, 238-239.
  11. Reimer, G., U. Huschka, J. Keller (1983) Epidermale nukleäre Immunglobulin-Ablagerungen bei progressiver Sklerodermie. Der Hautarzt. Supplementum, VI, 34, 237-238.
  12. Simon, M., Jr., F. Unterpaintner, G. Reimer (1983) Immunphänomene bei Lichen ruber. Der Hautarzt. Supplementum VI, 34, 298-299.
  13. Simon, M., Jr., G. Reimer, M. Schardt, O.P. Hornstein (1983) Lymphocytotoxicity for oral mucosa in lichen planus. Dermatologica 167, 11-15.
  14. Reimer, G., U. Huschka, J. Keller, R. Kammerer, O.P. Hornstein (1983) Immunofluorescence studies in progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) and mixed connective tissue disease. British Journal of Dermatology 109, 27-36.
  15. Reimer, G., L. Luckner, O.P. Hornstein (1983) Direct Immunofluorescence in recurrent aphthous ulcers and Behcet´s disease. Dermatologica 167, 293-298.
  16. Reimer, G., G. Liebel, O.P. Hornstein (1984) In vitro complement activation by antinuclear antibodies in the epidermis from patients with systemic sclerosis. British Journal of Dermatology 110, 169-174.
  17. Reimer, G., R.L. Rubin, B.L. Kotzin, E.M. Tan (1984) Anti-native DNA antibodies from autoimmune sera also bind to DNA in mitochondria. The Journal of Immunology 133, 2532-2536.
  18. Reimer, G., K.M. Rose, E.M. Tan (1985) Association of novel protein antigens reactive with IgG-antinucleolar antibodies and diffuse scleroderma. Arthritis and Rheumatism 28, No. 4 (supplement) S33
  19. Rubin, R.L., G. Reimer, E.M. McNally, S.R. Nusinow, R.P. Searles, E.M. Tan (1986) Procainamide elicits a selective autoantibody immune response. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 63, 58-67.
  20. Reimer, G., M.C. Totoritis, R.L. Rubin, A.N. Theofilopoulos, E.M. Tan (1986) Murine monoclonal IgM rheumatoid factor (RF) binds to ribosomal 28S an 18S RNA and cross-reacts with denatured DNA (dDNA) – similarities with certain human autoantibodies. Arthritis and Rheumatism 29, No. 4 (supplement) S72
  21. Reimer, G., U. Scheer, J.-M. Peters, E.M. Tan (1986) Immunolocalization and partial characterization of a nucleolar autoantigen (PM-Scl) associated with polymyosits/scleroderma overlap syndromes. The Journal of Immunology 137, 3802-3808.
  22. Reimer, G., K.M. Rose, U. Scheer, E.M. Tan (1987) Autoantibody to RNA polymerase I in scleroderma sera. Journal of Clinical Investigation 79, 65-72.
  23. Reimer, G., K.M. Pollard, C.A. Penning, R.L. Ochs, M.A. Lischwe, H. Busch, E.M. Tan (1987) Monoclonal antibody from a (New Zealand black x New Zealand white) F1 mouse and some human scleroderma sera target a Mr 34,000 nucleolar protein of the U3-ribonucleoprotein particle. Arthritis and Rheumatism 30, 794-800.
  24. Reimer, G., R.C. Cornell, E.M. Tan (1987) The biochemical nature of antigens reactive with antinuclear antibodies. In: Immunopathology of the Skin (Beutner, E.H., T.P.Chorzelski, V. Kumar editors), 3rd edition. Wiley Medical Publication, 519-531.
  25. Reimer, G., E.M. Tan (1987) Antinuclear Antibodies. In: Internal Medicine (Stein, J.H. Editor-in-Chief), 2nd edition. Little, Brown and Company Boston/Toronto 1200-1204.
  26. Tan, E.M., G. Reimer, K. Sullivan (1987) Intracellular autoantigens: diagnostic fingerprints but etiological dilemmas. Chichester (Ciba Geigy Foundation Symposium), 25-42.
  27. Reimer, G. (1987) Nukleoläre Autoantigene bei progressiver Sklerodermie – Makromolekulare Charakterisierung und klinische Bedeutung. Habilitationsschrift. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
  28. Reimer, G. (1987) Zellkernantigene bei systemischen Autoimmunerkrankungen: Molekulare Charakteristika und klinische Bedeutung. Zentralblatt für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten 153, 789-800.
  29. Benavente, R., K.M. Rose, G. Reimer, B. Hügle-Dörr, U. Scheer (1987) Inhibition of nucleolar reformation after microinjection of antibodies to RNA polymerase I into mitotic cells. The Journal of Cell Biology 105, 1843-1491.
  30. Reimer, G., I. Raska, E.M. Tan, U. Scheer (1987) Human autoantibodies: probes for nucleolus structure and function. Virchows Archiv B 54, 131-143.
  31. Reimer, G. (1988) Zellkernantigene bei systemischen Autoimmunerkrankungen. In: Neue Entwickelungen in der Dermatologie (Hornstein, O.P., Hundeiker, M., J. Schönfeld Herausgeber). Springer Verlag, 12-23.
  32. Reimer, G., V.D. Steen, C.A. Penning, T.A. Medsger, Jr., E.M. Tan (1988) Correlates between antibodies to nucleolar antigens and clinical features in patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma). Arthritis and Rheumatism 31, 525-532.
  33. Reimer, G., I. Raska, U. Scheer, E.M. Tan (1988) Immunolocalization of 7-2 ribonucleoprotein in the granular component of the nucleolus. Experimental Cell Research 176, 117-125.
  34. Haaf, T., G. Reimer, M. Schmid (1988) Immunocytogenetics: localization of transcriptionallly active rRNA genes in nucleoli and nucleolus organizer regions by use of human autoantibodies to RNA polymerase I. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 48, 35-42.
  35. Benavente, R., M.S. Schmidt-Zachmann, B. Hügle-Dörr, G. Reimer, K.M. Rose, U. Scheer (1988) Identification and definition of nucleolar-related fibrillar bodies in micronucleated cells. Experimental Cell Research 178, 518-523.
  36. Benavente, R., G. Reimer, K.M. Rose, B. Hügle-Dörr, U. Scheer (1988) Nucleolar changes after microinjection of antibodies to RNA polymerase I into the nucleus of mammalian cells. Chromosoma 97, 115-123.
  37. Benavente, R., G. Reimer, K.M. Rose, B. Hügle-Dörr, U. Scheer (1989) Does the synthesis of ribosomal RNA take place within nucleolar fibrillar centers or dense fibrillar components? Biology of the Cell 65, 79-82.
  38. Pollard, K.M., G. Reimer, E.M. Tan (1989) Autoantibodies in scleroderma. Clincal and Experimental Rheumatology 7/S-3, 57-62.
  39. Reimer, G. (1990) Autoantibodies Against Nuclear, Nucleolar, and Mitochondrial Antigens in Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma). In: Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Vol.16. No.1, 169-183.
  40. Kurzhals, G., M. Meurer, Th. Krieg, G. Reimer (1990) Clinical association of autoantibodies to fibrillarin with diffuse scleroderma and disseminated teleangiectasia. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 23, 832-836.
  41. Piccinini, G., E. Gardellini, G. Reimer, F.C. Arnett, E. Durban (1991) An antigenic region of topoisomerase I in DNA polymerase chain reaction-generated fragments recognized by autoantibodies of scleroderma patients. Molecular Immunology 28, 333-339.
  42. Reimer, G., E.M. Tan (1993) Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. In: Clinical Aspects of Immunology (Lachmann, P., K. Peters, F.S. Rosen and M.J. Walport editors). Fifth edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1241-1258
  43. Pollard, K.M., G. Reimer (1996) Humorale, genetische und umweltassoziierte Aspekte der Sklerodermieforschung. Aktuelle Rheumatologie 21, 167-170.
  44. Futura, K., E.K.L Chan, K. Kiyosawa, G. Reimer, C. Luderschmidt, E.M. Tan (1997) Heterochromatin protein HP1Hsß (p25ß) and its localization with centromeres in mitosis. Chromosoma 106, 11-19.
  45. Futura, K., B. Hildebrandt, S. Matsuoka, K. Kiyosawa, G. Reimer, C. Luderschmidt, E.K.L. Chan, E.M. Tan (1998) Immunological characterization of heterochromatin p25ß autoantibodies and relationship with centromere autoantibodies and pulmonary fibrosis in systemic scleroderma. Journal of Molecular Medicine 76, 54-60.
  46. Raska I., G. Reimer (1999) Human autoantibodies identify a protein in dense fibrillar and granular components of the nucleolus. Acta histochemica 101, 157-166.
  47. Percipalle, P., N. Fomproix, E. Cavellan. R. Voit, G. Reimer, T. Krüger, J. Thyberg, U. Scheer, I. Grummt, A.-K. Östlund Farrants (2006) The chromatin remodelling complex WSTF-SNF2h interacts with nuclear myosin1 and has a role in RNA polymerase I transcription. EMBO reports 7/5, 525-530.
  48. Reimer, G., O. Brudler, B. Heinrich, M. Bangerter (2008) EGFR-Blocker bremsen Tumorwachstum, aber: In vier von fünf Fällen reagiert auch die Haut. In/Fo/Onkologie 4, 281-283.
  49. Reimer, G., O. Brudler, B. Heinrich, M. Bangerter (2008) Hautveränderungen unter EGFR-Blockade in der Tumortherapie. Kutane Nebenwirkungen von Anfang an behandeln. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin 49-50, 3-5
  50. Reimer, G., O. Brudler, Heinrich, M. Bangerter (2009) Nebenwirkungen der EGFR-Blockade. Hautschutz gehört mit zur Therapie. hautnah dermatologie 2, 68-70
  51. Gutzmer, R., J. C. Becker, A. Enk, C. Garbe, A. Hauschild, M. Leverkus, G. Reimer, R. Treudler, A. Tsianakas, C. Ulrich, A. Wollenberg, B. Homey (2011) Management kutaner Nebenwirkungen von EGFR-Inhibitoren: Empfehlungen eines deutschen Expertengremiums für den primär behandelnden Arzt. Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) 9, 195-203